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7 Tips For Preventing Computer Vision Syndrome

Digital Eye Strain, Eye care, Eye Strain, Dry Eye, Eye Pain, Red Eye, Computer vision Syndrome
Image Source: The Sweat Social

Twenty years ago, no one expected a day would come when eyes would be strained by the overuse of computers and then mobile screens. Gradually, the use of computers started increasing, and now nothing is possible without the involvement of a "computer". Whether it's a vast and fast communication system, maintaining a data reservoir, creating a new system, or education, everything is dependent on computers. Digitization is in every branch, every channel. Hence, it is obvious for us to use computers for a longer time in our day-to-day lives.

In the last two years, i.e., post pandemic, the usage of computers, mobile phones, and the internet has multiplied. Not just adults, but now students and children are also in the same space. Above all, the use of mobile phones for work, entertainment, and information is increasing. Hence, it's not just the computer but the digital strain on the eyes and brain.

Most of us spend a significant portion of our days in front of computers, whether it be for work or learning.

Along with many pros, this digitization has cons too. In this article, we will discuss the very first thing that is affected due to the long-time use of a computer or digital screen.

Digital Eye Strain and Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer eye strain or Digital Eye Strain has become widespread. There is no age criteria for the same. Anyone may experience computer eye strain. Today, millions of kids regularly use computers. In addition to typical eyestrain symptoms, prolonged computer screen viewing can cause eye discomfort, fatigue, headaches, blurred vision, and dry eyes. We can see kids nowadays in 6th and 7th grade wearing thick eyeglasses. Which is really a serious concern. Parents and teachers should be very careful about it.

If you have digital eye strain your eyes feel worn out, dry, and irritated almost every day from staring at a computer screen for extended periods of time. If you experience the same symptoms for a long time, you have developed computer vision syndrome (CVS), an advanced eye problem. Taking proper eye care on daily basis can prevent CVS.

Moisturizing eyes is very important to avoid such eye strains from the initial stage itself. Eye needs to stay hydrated for flexibility, eye sight and movement.

How do computers impact your vision and eyes?

Computer will not cause permanent eye damage, but gradually it will weaken your eyes, causing several uncomfortable eye-related symptoms such as eyestrain, dry eyes, headache, fatigue, difficulty focusing, blurred vision, headache, shoulder and neck pain.

Computer Eye Strain can be understood as something similar to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and other repetitive motion injuries you might get at work. However, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a severe condition. Hence, you need to take care that your eyes do not develop Computer Vision Syndrome. For that, you need to start taking routine care of your eyes.

Computer Eye Strain/Digital Eye strain happens because your eyes follow the same course over and over. And it can worsen if you continue for a longer time. When you work at a computer, your eyes have to keep focusing and refocusing all the time. They move back and forth as you observe something on the screen or read it. Sometimes, you may have to look down at papers and then back up at the screen. The eyes get affected by the images constantly moving and changing, sending rapidly varying images to the brain. All these jobs require a lot of effort from the eye muscles and the neurons in the brain. Things become more damaged by contrast, flicker, and glare.

Eye strain, Digital Screen and Sleep

The effects of prolonged computer screen viewing extend beyond the eyes. Blue light from displays' back-lighting, which is common, can disrupt your sleep pattern. A study comparing the effects of reading on a tablet before bed to reading a physical book before bed was conducted by a team of researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.

In comparison to the group that read printed pages, the group who read on a backlit gadget took ten minutes longer to fall asleep. They also didn't sleep as soundly. The generation of melatonin, a hormone that helps people fall asleep, is thought to be interfered with by the blue wavelengths that electronic screens generate.

Because they don't feel tired as a result of viewing screens, people who use them stay up late and struggle to get to sleep.

So now you already know why you have sleep deprivation.

Lets Discuss 7 easy steps to prevent your eyes from straining

1. Take Intervals

You must be aware of the 20-20-20 rule. But often, you tend to forget at work. Your eyes require rest every 20 minutes; it does not have to be a long break, just a short one.Many even forget to blink their eyes while reading or working. If possible, put a reminder on your system or mobile phone.

Take a pause, close your eyes for sometime or focusing on a distant object for a few minutes. Blink your eyes 20 times. If you can, get out of your seat and take a walk or shift your focus to a task that does not require looking at the computer screen.The most important things are what you eat and how much sleep you get. Lack of vitamins and minerals and sleep deprivation also affect eye health. You must include food that is good and essential for eye health and 6-7 hours of sound sleep.

2. Prefer paper over screen, television over mobile screen

Instead of reading a digital book, a document, or Kindle prefer a printed form. Let’s not your eyes consume too much blue light. In the case of children, it has become a habit for them too. Encourage kids to read text books, printed books, watch comics or any documentary on a bigger screen like television placed at a certain distance. The same applies to adults as well, for movies, series, or any sort of entertainment with informational opt Television instead of a handy mobile phone.

3. Get an eye exam

Your eye-related issues may be due to an underlying vision problem that gets worse with computer use, so get it checked. Even if you don't have a serious illness, a routine check-up is always a good idea.

4. Use eye relaxing drop

7 Tips For Preventing Computer Vision SyndromeLaste are OTC (Over-the-counter) eye drops available on the market and even online for keeping your eyes clean and cool. EyeSpa is one of the most popular OTC eye drops. It's a relaxing eye drop for instant relief from dry and tired eyes. Anyone above 11 years of age exposed to long periods of screen time can use EyeSpa twice a day to keep their eyes healthy.

5. Adjust for adequate lighting in your background and at the front

Try balancing the brightness of the room and the computer screen. Desk lighting should be adjusted to prevent screen glare. To reduce window glare during the day, adjust the blinds or curtains. When reading material from a book or written on paper, keep in mind to adjust the illumination.

6. Clean your computer screen and lenses regularly

Keep your computer screen clean. If you are using specs or lenses, you must keep the lens clean.

7. Eat well, sleep well

Last but not the least, what you eat and how much sleep you get are the most important factors. Lack of vitamins and minerals and sleep deprivation also affect eye health. You must include food that is good and essential for eye health and 6-7 hours of sound sleep.

These easy tips going to help you eyes immensely to stay safe from Digital Eye Strain.


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