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All about Cholesterol: Whats Good, Whats Bad?

Cholesterol, Good Cholesterol, Bad cholesterol, Fat, Ageing, Obesity, Heart care, Heart health, oilealthy heart, healthy ageing, high cholesterol,

Cholesterol is often considered as a bad thing that harms the body. But in reality, this does not mean that. Cholesterol is an important substance for the human body. Blood cholesterol is essential for building cell membranes. However, in some cases, you need to keep your cholesterol levels low. Below we explain good cholesterol, bad cholesterol and how to increase good cholesterol and reduce bad cholesterol.

Cholesterol and its types

Cholesterol is an unsaturated alcohol in the human body obtained from food and synthesized mainly in the liver. Simply put, if there is no inflammation or damage to the body's blood vessels, cholesterol will pass freely and will not accumulate on the walls of the blood vessels and will not cause problems with the blood vessels.

Four types of cholesterol are found in the human body:

All about Cholesterol: Whats Good, Whats Bad?

1. Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL)

2. Intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL)

3. Low density lipoproteins (LDL)

4. High density lipoproteins (HDL)

LDL and HDL cholesterol are very important because 25-35% of total human cholesterol is HDL and 60-70% is LDL. So, since these two are the main players, we will focus on them in this article.

Bad (LDL) Cholesterol

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the bad cholesterol. If the concentration in the blood is high, cholesterol falls on the walls of the blood vessels, causing atherosclerotic symptoms or atherosclerosis. This is one of the most important factors in heart disease. As the symptom progresses, it begins to block a part of the lumen of the blood vessel. Due to high blood pressure, there is not enough oxygen-rich blood for the heart muscle cells. Ischemia occurs when the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen and nutrients. As the pimple grows, it breaks and releases chemicals that bleed. A blood clot can completely occlude the lumen of a blood vessel. If a blood clot forms in the myocardial artery, it can lead to decreased myocardial blood flow, myocardial infarction, or myocardial infarction. When these blood vessels become blocked in the brain, a stroke occurs.

What cause High LDL cholesterol

  • LDL cholesterol – Found in animal foods, red meat, cheese.

  • Saturated Fatty Acids – Found in some meat products, fat-rich dairy products, chocolate, baked goods, processed foods, deep-fried foods, and hydrogenated oils.

  • Trans fats – Found in some processed and deep-frozen foods.

Other reasons;

  • Obesity

  • Hereditary factors

  • Diabetes

  • Liver or kidney disease

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome

  • Pregnancy

  • Hypothyroidism

Good (HDL) Cholesterol

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the good cholesterol that helps maintain tissue balance and removes bad cholesterol (LDL). The higher the HDL, the better.

How to improve Good Cholesterol Levels

Avoiding unhealthy foods to keep your cholesterol levels in balance is not the solution. Instead you can add more healthy foods to your daily diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle. In this way, the body has the power to fight naturally against bad cholesterol (LDL) and reduce the amount of LDL in the blood.


Things to do to level-up Good cholesterol



Fibre-rich diets aid to limit cholesterol absorption in the intestine, bind excess cholesterol, and help the body eliminate cholesterol. Fibre is a plant carotid, hence it is not found in animal diets.

The best sources of fiber;

  • Cereals – It is important to note that not all grains have required fibre for obtaining excellent cholesterol, and you must also be careful not to consume too much. Hidden gluten or wheat protein intolerance is becoming more common and people themselves may not be aware of it.

  • Celery

  • Cabbage

  • Fruits and berries

  • Beans

  • Eggplant and fiber rich foods

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids raise HDL levels while decreasing the danger of cholesterol oxidation. These fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and help to keep the blood moving.


Fatty fish and some nuts are the finest suppliers of omega-3.


  • Tuna

  • Mackerel

  • Sardines

  • Salmon

  • Flax, hemp, pumpkin and chia seeds and their oils

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds contain important oils that help reduce inflammation in the body and hence manage cholesterol. These nutritious and tasty morsels contain vitamin E as well as important fatty acids.

Some of the good ones for good cholesterol are;

  • Walnuts

  • Pistachios

  • Almonds

  • Cashew

Avoid salted or candied nuts, unfortunately they do not contribute to healthy nutrition.


Lutein-rich foods protect the eyes, but it has also been discovered that lutein protects the artery walls from cholesterol deposits. This prevents blockage and lowers the risk of having a heart attack.

Dark green foliage containing rich lutein:

  • Spinach

  • Deciduous

  • Kale

  • Broccoli

  • Carrots and dark berries  like blueberries, blackcurrants, raspberries, strawberries.

Physical exercise

Physical activity will help to enhance blood oxygen levels, improve blood circulation, reduce body acidity, and lower cholesterol while also enhancing stress hormones. All these factors, in turn, lead to lowering of LDL levels and activation of the immune system.

Stay stress-free

Negative emotions, excessive thinking, and high stress levels raise inflammatory hormone levels, as well as LDL levels.


Certain foods like garlic, avocado, cocoa, black tea, avocado are good for good cholesterol. Add the above nutrition and foods in every day's diet, stay active, burst stress and you see your cholesterol levels are optimum.



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