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Breaking Barriers: Man's Emotional & Mental Health

Stress, Depression, Men health, Men matters, Mental and physical well-being
Image Source: Freepik

If women are the foundation of the family and society, men are the family's and society's lifeline and support system.Women's feelings are frequently regarded as delicate and should be treated with great respect and love. Which is definitely praiseworthy. At the same time, we can’t ignore the sentiment of a man. Emotions, sentiments, or feelings are uploaded into a living being, and more magnificently, into a human being. Because everyone is born with different emotions and sentiments, we cannot generalize any gender with human qualities.The difference may be in their approach to handling each sentiment.

Very frequently, men's mental and emotional matters are not discussed. Let’s talk about men’s minds, feelings, and how they handle challenges and success.

Men and his Mind

Men often feel they need to be sustaining financially, physically and emotionally to be able to provide for their loved ones. They don’t feel appropriate to express their emotions. However, it's very much necessary to express emotions to family, friends or co-workers. It's also the responsibility of family and friends to give them that zone to be expressive. Speaking out your heart won’t affect you anyway, instead it will lighten up burdened shoulders and may provide more power to do things in a more effective way. Often men are seen as the emotion-less gender. Just because men aren't adept at expressing their feelings, it doesn’t mean that they don't feel.

Men and Society

Men and women are taken and handled in quite different ways when it comes to expressing any thought, feeling. Women are more likely to express their feelings directly and to seek the support of friends and family, whereas men might hide their emotions or withdraw. It starts in the family and then society. The lead characters at home we see are our parents. Many men have experienced fathers who were emotionally distant, rarely tender, never cried or expressed affection outwardly. The way we see our parents behave may become unconscious into our behavior.

Maybe the way boys are socialized, their ability to deal with emotions has been systematically undermined. In many homes the boy is taught not to feel weak, not to cry, and not to find words to express themselves. They don’t get the scope to surface their feelings. Men experience intense emotions but, lacking the training and support to make sense of those feelings, they are left with few options but to bury them deeper.

It's a myth that men are unfeeling. Rather, many are trapped in the confines of a socialization process that tells them it’s unmanly to cry, to hurt, or to express the myriad other motions we all experience as a result of living fully as human beings.

Men may convert stereo-typically feminine feelings, such as sadness or vulnerability, into feelings like anger or pride—feelings more socially acceptable for them to experience. Even the responsibility of a life partner to understand her man, give enough confidence and comfort to let him express.

Talk about your feelings?

The restriction of emotional expression in many men’s lives can lead to:

  • A greater sense of isolation

  • Lack of support from loved ones

  • Health issues, due to carrying chronic tension in the body and other bad coping strategies

  • Relationship difficulties due to an inability to resolve emotional conflicts and/or a perceived lack of ability to be intimate

  • Psychological problems such as depression, insomnia and anxiety.

It's fine to be emotional

As a human it's very natural, normal and absolutely fine to feel low, sad, shy, sympathetic, caring. At the same time, I know that there is absolutely no problem expressing such feelings. Everyone gets every kind of emotion in different stages of life.

Emotion always manifests somewhere in the body. Like anger might be experienced as a flush of heat in the face, sadness as a tightening of the throat, anxiety as a knot in the stomach. Take a moment to acknowledge the feeling(s) and take a few breaths to help identify these sensations and understand what they mean.

  • Learn to put words to what you are feeling. Often it helps to write down or brainstorm ideas before a conversation.

  • Take the risk of showing your vulnerability with people who you feel safe with.

  • Ask for help when you need it.

  • If you need someone to talk to, go to that trustworthy person and talk without judging and over thinking.

Before you are a man or woman remember that you are a human. Humans can have all kinds of emotions, feelings, challenges and may seek help. Embrace your emotions and embrace life.


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