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Fiber And Your Gut Health

Gut health, healthy gut, fiber, fibrous food, probiotic, prebiotic, wonderpro
Woman showing fibrous food for a healthy gut

The gut is not your stomach; it's a systematic combination of many organs involved in multiple processes starting from ingestion (intake of food) digestion, absorption, assimilation (breakdown of food) and egestion (elimination of digested substances). Hence, you understand it's a complex thing, and you can’t be reckless with your gut health.

Gut health is crucial as your body and mind are majorly dependent on your gut health. So why does your gut need to be clean and fit? It needs "bacteria." Wait, don’t get scared! All bacteria are not villains. There are friendly bacteria commonly called "good bacteria" or "probiotics." They are good for your health, immunity, and protection. In addition, bacteria are well known for their effect on chronic inflammation. And what does the good bacteria need? They need prebiotics, or the element that is received from fibrous food.

Let’s discuss in detail the gut microbiota.

Gut Microbiota

Gut microbiota are the micro-organisms, including bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa, that live in the digestive tracts. Gut microbiota play a crucial role in the functions. The Gut microbiota is largely determined by environmental factors, diet, drugs, and anthropometric measures.

Gut microbes/bacteria are key to many aspects of human health including immunity, metabolism and neurobehavioral aspects.

Prebiotic (Fiber) and Probiotic

Probiotics and prebiotic are famously discussed topics now-a-days. Post pandemic people have become more conscious about their health, which is a good thing. Awareness about gut health is very important as it takes care of your body and mind both. A gut needs healthy food, balanced diet, daily workouts, optimistic approach towards life to be healthy and active. Along with all this your gut needs prebiotic and probiotic for its flora or microbiota.

What is prebiotic? Prebiotics are types of fiber that are undigested, and food for the gut bacteria. There should be a healthy balance of these prebiotic and probiotic in the body. Fiber promotes a healthy gut flora once bacteria metabolize it. Then it produces nutrients for your body, including short-chain fatty (SCF) acids that feed the cells in your colon. This process helps in reducing gut inflammation and improves existing inflammatory disorders.

Several studies say that a high fiber intake is linked to lower levels of inflammatory markers in the bloodstream.

Probiotics are live bacteria beneficial for your gut, found in certain foods or supplements. They can provide numerous health benefits. Wonderpro, the super probiotic is one of the favorable and quality probiotics available over-the-counter. It contains five major bacteria that's needed by your gut. Probiotic supplements like Wonderpro are safe to use and can be consumed any time during the day by anyone. Even if you are lactose intolerant or gluten intolerant, you can consume Wonderpro without fear.

Eating a balanced amount of probiotics and prebiotics can ensure that you have the right balance of these bacteria to maintain a healthy gut microbiota.

Fiber from food or supplement?

Indian cuisine is not just tasty to your tongue but also it covers health benefits. Over cooking, adding contrasting ingredients kills the beneficial aspect of the food. But if it is cooked taking all cooking aspects into consideration then it's tasty and healthy too. The spices we use, the different kinds of herbs, and vegetables used in our cuisine makes it a super food for our overall well being. Indian food supports immunity, inflammation, brain function and several other functions in the your body.

Likewise, most of your food contains fiber. If you have a proper diet plan as per requirement then you don’t need to worry about your fiber needs. However, the current lifestyle, food quality fails to cover the needs and you are advised to take supplements.

Prebiotics are types of fiber found in vegetables, fruits, and legumes.

Foods that are high in prebiotic fiber include;

Probiotic or the good gut bacteria turns the fiber into a short-chain fatty acid called butyrate. Butyrate production in the colon cannot be maintained without adequate intake of prebiotic fiber.

Consume enough amounts of both prebiotic and probiotic foods, as they will help promote the most ideal balance between good and bad gut bacteria. We hope, now you understand how prebiotic and probiotic are dependent on each other and how their balance promotes a healthy gut flora.


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