“Cervical spondylosis” is a medical term used for the wear and tear that takes hold of your cervical spine. The cervical spine consists of seven stacked vertebrae (bones) in your neck. Spondylosis is a dysfunction of your cervical spine when it begins to wear out. Often, healthcare experts call it osteoarthritis of the neck or arthritis of the neck.
Common symptoms of cervical spondylosis may be constant discomfort at the neck, pain, hurt or stiffness. The issue is common and a natural consequence of growing older. With increasing age spines start to change and wear out. The risk is high when people are in their 30s.
According to one article published by the Cleveland Clinic, the condition is present in more than 90 percent of people aged 60 and older. The symptoms of cervical spondylosis are not fixed. Some people don't even experience symptoms. For others, it can cause severe pain and stiffness. However, many people who have it live a normal day-to-day life.
Cervical spondylosis causes
The cause of cervical spondylosis can be detected through physical examination and an X-ray report. When one is experiencing symptoms of cervical spondylosis for a week or more, they should go for a doctor's consultation.
If an injury due to a fall or accident has hurt your neck, there is a chance that it can accelerate the ageing process of your cervical spondylosis.
Ligament stiffness
The strong cords that connect your spinal bones to each other can stiffen over time, affecting your neck movement and making it feel tight.
Some occupations or hobbies, such as dance or construction work, require repetitive movements or heavy lifting. This can put additional strain on the spine, resulting in premature wear and tear.
Bone spurs
In many cases it is seen that overgrowths of bone are the result of the aching cervical spine. The extra bone can press on delicate areas of the spine, such as the spinal cord and nerves, resulting in pain.
Dehydrated spinal discs
The discs between your spinal bones are thick, padlike cushions that absorb the shock of lifting, twisting, and other activities. The gel-like material contained within these discs may dry out over time. This causes the vertebrae in your spine to rub together more, which can be painful. These symptoms are generally seen in 30s.
Herniated discs
Spinal discs can develop cracks, allowing the interior cushioning substance to leak out. This substance can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, causing symptoms including arm numbness and discomfort that travels down an arm.
Other than aging, factors that can raise your risk of cervical spondylosis are;
Injuries to the neck
Work-related tasks that place additional strain on your neck due to heavy lifting
Repeating the same neck movements throughout the day or holding your neck in an uncomfortable position for lengthy periods of time (repetitive stress)
Genetic variables (history of cervical spondylosis in the family)
Being overweight and physically inactive
Family history that may point to a hereditary risk
Diabetes and hypertension
People may not always have similar symptoms when they have cervical spondylosis.
The common symptom is neck pain that may radiate elsewhere — often to the head or shoulders.
Some other symptoms of cervical spondylosis include:
Neck stiffness
Muscle spasms
Balance issues and trouble walking
Stiff movements or changes in posture
Arms and legs may also become weak, and there may be a lack of dexterity.
Sometimes, these changes result in a compression of the blood vessels. This can affect the blood supply to the brain, possibly resulting in dizziness and even blackouts.
How to manage at home
Exercise, or yoga, can be helpful. If certain neck exercises are done daily in advance, cervical problems can be avoided. For relief and better flexibility, try exercises like neck rotation, head tilts from side to side, chin to chest, and specific postures. It is advisable to learn them under expert vigilance. The correct exercises for cervical arthritis may depend on the person and the severity of the pain. Physical therapy can help a person decide on a suitable exercise routine.
Alongside exercises, individuals can take some steps at home to relieve symptoms.
Most people can use over-the-counter drugs that do not require a prescription. Options include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); however, people with other health problems may get affected in a negative way. Instead of oral drugs, it's better to go for topical applications of NSAID medicines like Zenopain gel. It is made with sesame oil and linseed oil. Whether it's cervical spondylosis pain, back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, or any joint or muscle pain, Zeno Pain Gel is the way to relief. Its non-sticky, no stain, no strong smell attribute makes it a favourite.
For severe pain, a doctor may prescribe different pain relief medications.
Other options include:
Physical therapy is another alternative that can help a person regain mobility, work around injuries and pain, and become more physically active.
Prescription medications: These may aid in the treatment of neck tightness and spasms. Antidepressants and muscle relaxants, such as cyclobenzaprine, may be among them.
When the neck muscles become sore, a heated pad or cold pack might provide pain relief.
A soft neck brace might help reduce pain if worn for short periods of time. Long-term use, on the other hand, can result in weakened neck muscles.
Cervical spondylosis manifests itself in a variety of ways. Symptoms and prognosis can be unexpected. Self-care measures and lifestyle adjustments may alleviate symptoms and prevent arthritis from progressing in many people.
When self-care is no longer effective, a doctor may recommend medicine, physical therapy, or other therapies, such as surgery. Making some lifestyle adjustments, such as stopping smoking or losing weight, can also be useful.