If your eyes appear a little bloodshot and fatigued, you are not alone. Numerous factors, such as allergies, infections, or staying up too late watching Netflix, can result in bloodshot eyes. Regardless of the reason behind your bloodshot eyes, there are a number of at-home remedies that can help you manage the red eye condition successfully.
Why not use some natural remedies instead of harsh chemicals or pricey drugs that can have unfavorable side effects? In this blog post, we'll discuss a few DIY solutions that can help soothe red eyes and lessen inflammation.
Know What is Red Eye?
The term "red eye" describes red, irritated, and bloodshot eyes. This is because, usually as a result of external irritation, the tiny blood vessels behind the surface of your eyes enlarge or become inflamed. Like with allergies or eye injuries, the disorder can affect one or both eyes and show symptoms gradually over time or all at once.
Reasons behind Red Eyes?
There are various reasons why your eyes get red. For example, it might happen because of a long drive, a foreign particle inside the eyes, contact lenses for prolonged periods, or longer screen time without taking eye breaks. In addition to that, other common causes include:
Allergies. You may get red and swollen eyes due to allergies.
Uveitis. The middle portion of the eye named uvea is situated between the retina and the eye’s white, when inflamed called uveitis. It makes the eye appear red.
Scleritis. Inflammation of the sclera, the white portion of the eye causes swelling and redness.
Subconjunctival Haemorrhage. A blood vessel rupture results in blood leaking onto the surface of the eye which makes up a bloodshot eye.
Eyelid Stye. A stye is a disorder in which the meibomian gland in the eyes becomes clogged, causing irritation on the inside or outside of your upper or lower eyelids.
Glaucoma. When the pressure in the eyes rises, it can harm the optic nerve (nerves in the eye) and perhaps impair eyesight. This condition is referred to as glaucoma. The high pressure is caused by an overproduction of ocular fluid.
Eye Injury. Redness in the eye can result from irritation or bleeding after an injury.
Dry Eyes. Tears are secreted by tiny glands above the eyes to lubricate and shield them. You can have dry eyes if your eyes don't make enough tears.
Conjunctivitis. This ailment is commonly referred to as pink eye. The membrane lining the inside of your eyelids and the white portion of your eye becomes inflamed when you have conjunctivitis.
Blepharitis. Irritated eyelids are medically referred to as blepharitis. This inflammation may provide the appearance of puffiness and redness in your eyes or eyelids.
General Symptoms of Bloodshot Eyes
A red eye is a symptom of irritation and may also be be accompanied by other signs, including:
Eye Discharge
Change in vision
Sensitivity to Bright light
If your symptoms have persisted for almost a week or if there is vision change, and pain you should get immediate medical help.
Natural remedies to soothe red eyes
In the presence of mild redness and absence of any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you may be able to fix your bloodshot eyes at home. However, this largely depends on the cause of the tissue. Here are a few suggestions:
Saline water. One of the most common home remedies for eye infections is salt water or saline. Saline is comparable to your tears, which are your eye’s natural means of cleaning itself. Salt also has antimicrobial properties. As a result, it is only logical that saline can efficiently cure eye infections.
Tea Bags. You may not know but one way to relax your aching red eyes is by putting cooled tea bags on closed eyes. Some types of tea are believed to have anti-inflammatory and calming properties, which makes them a natural treatment for eye infections. You can go for green tea or chamomile tea bags. Tea bags on your eyes may help reduce inflammation.
Warm Compress. Warm compresses can help relieve an eye stye by eliminating the obstructions that produce it. It can also help with dry eye conditions. However, it is crucial to note that warm compresses simply provide respite and do not heal these illnesses.
Cold Compress. Cold compresses may not cure eye infections, but they can help relieve the discomfort associated with certain eye disorders. As with warm compresses, they can reduce swelling in eye injuries or infections.
EyeSpa Red. This eye drop helps by giving instant results in red eye conditions. However, patients with hyperthyroidism and hypertension (high blood pressure) should avoid it. Eyespa red eye drops give relief from eye redness in a few minutes. We always recommend that, in cases of severity, please consult a doctor.
Honey. The inherent antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of honey make it an excellent choice for treating eye infections. However, you need to have the purest form of it.
Preventive Measures
Stay safe by following below methods to lessen your likelihood of developing red eyes;
Avoid rubbing your eyes because the dirt and bacteria on your hands might cause infection and hence redness.
Manage contact lenses by minimal use, and make sure they are clean for every use.
Eye makeup comes with chemicals therefore clean properly once you are back home.
Take eye breaks in the intervals of work either on digital screens, reading or writing to avoid strain. The same goes with long driving too. It is better to carry EyeSpa Red eye drops while you are on a drive vacation.
Avoid eye irritants, including smoking, pollen, dander from pets, and dust.
Do proper hand-wash to prevent a variety of illnesses.
If you have an eye infection, such as conjunctivitis, it is important to wash your towels and pillowcases regularly. This is because the infection is communicable.
Red eyes can be a sign of an underlying health issue if they last longer than a week. Hence should not be disregarded and addressed on time. It's also advisable to see a doctor if you experience any additional symptoms in addition to bloodshot eyes, such as severe tearing of the eyes, frequent coughing or sneezing, discharge from the eyes, or hazy vision. Regular medical check-ups and lifestyle modifications are recommended in order to maintain good health and avoid red eyes. Always remember that prevention is always better than cure. The whites of your eyes will benefit from a diet high in vital minerals like zinc, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids as well as by getting enough good sleep.
Home remedies for bloodshot eyes are another safe technique to treat redness in the eyes without using dangerous medications that could cause more damage.