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Tips to Care Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy, Pregnant, Mother, Motherhood, Mom-to-be, New mother, Stretchmarks, Anti-stretch marks. Stretch mark cream, pregnancy skin care, skin care
Pregnant woman applying stretch marks cream during pregnancy

We come across a very common skin issue often referred to as stretch marks. Even though it is quite common for stretch marks to appear during pregnancy, still women keep on wondering how to prevent the same and help themselves from these irksome marks appeared on the skin.

Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Mostly during the sixth and seventh month of pregnancy these pinkish streaks appear on stomach, breast and thighs due to rapid weight gain mostly when the fibers just underneath the skin surface break apart due to pressure of weight gain. Although there is no certain method that works wonders on stretch marks to vanish but still some of these tips might as well turn out helpful for preventing these stretch marks. There are different ways to prevent stretch marks and to make them fade away. Let’s discuss four simple techniques to prevent or fade away stretch marks. Stay Well Hydrated Body needs enough water to stay hydrated and healthy. You need to have a good intake of water so that your skin remains hydrated and hence moisturized. Often it has been observed that soft skin doesn't tend to develop stretch marks as compared to dry or hard skin. Hence it is very important to keep yourself hydrated at all times. It is even advisable to avoid caffeinated products as they tend to increase your chances of stretch marks so even if at any time you are having any product with caffeine you will have to balance it with enough fluid intake as well. Balanced Diet Having a nutrient rich diet is extremely important and you might as well need to make sure that you are having a balanced intake of a diet rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc and protein, these are skin-friendly nutrients. Foods that improve the health of your skin might help from keeping the stretch marks at bay. Vitamin C Rich Foods Collagen is a protein found in the body that's necessary for tissues, muscles, bones, skin, hair. Collagen plays an effective role in keeping your skin strong & elastic and Vitamin C is an important nutrient for the development of Collagen. Many citrus fruits and vegetables are a rich source of vitamin C and you can add fruits like oranges and lemons to your daily diet so that you keep a regular balance of vitamin C in your diet.

Treat Fresh Stretch Marks At times it is not possible to completely eradicate the stretch marks but there’s always a way to minimize their effect. Generally, with time some stretch marks become light. Experts say, if anti-stretch mark creams are applied in advance (before the delivery) the chances of rigid stretch mark is less. Check the efficacy, ingredients and certifications before buying a stretch mark cream. Lifezen Healthcare’s Inostretch anti-stretch mark cream helps to reduce your stretch marks from the very first day and is clinically proven to be effective in nature, completely safe to use. Using this cream helps in reducing the effect of stretch marks and shows you 72% reduction in just a span of 56 days. So often using the Inostretch cream is of help and has shown proven results, you may also consult your doctor to ensure the efficacy of the cream on your stretch marks. Motherhood is a beautiful feeling and journey with your child. It has to be embraced gracefully. Stay relaxed and follow the necessary care to enjoy your journey in motherhood.


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