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Tips to Manage Menopause Symptoms Gracefully

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Menopause is nothing but the cessation of the menstrual cycle. While the process is painful and uncomfortable, it's completely a natural process that every woman goes through in their life. It is nothing to worry about but does have uncomfortable symptoms which can be managed naturally.

Let’s understand Menopause

All women are born with eggs stored in their ovaries. The ovaries regulate the release of eggs, which occurs once a month during a menstruation. The ovaries are also responsible for producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are important for women's health. Menopause begins when the ovaries stop producing eggs every month during a woman's mid-life, usually sometime over forty.

Menopause Symptoms?

Menopause is often uncomfortable initially and in some people it is painful too. The common symptoms include:

  • Hot flashes

  • Irregular periods

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Chills

  • Mood swings

  • Slow metabolism

  • Weight gain

  • Sleep problems

  • Night sweats

  • Skin pigmentation

  • Anxiety

Menopausal women are at high risk of several diseases such as osteopenia, osteoporosis, obesity, thyroid, heart disease and diabetes.

7 ways to reduce menopause symptoms?

For the right menopause care, it is important to understand the changes your body goes through. Menopause and its symptoms are not diseases; it is a natural life process hence the symptoms can be managed with lifestyle changes. Here we have suggested some of the important factors to implement in daily life to have a pleasant menopause.

1. Check on Calcium and Vitamin D

Hormonal changes during menopause causes deficiency of many nutrients. The process weakens bones, mainly lower body part bones and joints. The risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis increases multiple times post menopause. Therefore, it is important to consume vitamin D and calcium-rich food or supplements to save bone fractures.

The best natural source of vitamin D is sunlight and for calcium green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, and green beans, milk and dairy rich foods, sardine and fishes.

Alternatively, you can start taking calcium citrate and vitamin D3 supplements to fulfil your needs.

2. Maintaining Weight

When a woman begins to approach the natural state of menopause, it is very good to gain weight. Unfortunately, this can put you at risk for heart disease, high cholesterol, and other obesity-related illnesses. We recommend keeping it under control by exercising daily and eating a high-protein diet full of healthy fruits and vegetables. A control over food and daily workout can help you greatly!

Menopause, Yoga for menopause, food for menopause, lifestyle, woman health care
Image Source: bhagwatiayurveda

3. Avoiding Foods that triggers

It is possible that certain foods can trigger menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings. Some of these trigger foods include alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, or foods high in sugar. Although it is recommended that you avoid all of these food groups, pay close attention to your body's response to certain foods that can act as physical triggers. Avoid foods that you think make your symptoms worse.

4. Phytoestrogens-Rich Foods

Plant-based foods contain phytoestrogens, which act as oestrogen in the body. Any heat flashes are reduced as a result. However, it's crucial that you only take in the recommended dosage each day, or 40–70 mgs. Phytoestrogens-rich foods include; Soybean, tofu, beans, seeds of sesame and flax.

5. Stay hydrated and gut-fit

It is incredibly important that you drink enough water every day. This can help reduce any bloating that occurs due to hormonal changes. Staying hydrated will also help you in managing anxiety and irritation during this time. To make it easy and interesting try water with flavours like lemon, detox water, tender coconut etc.

Probiotic and Prebiotic are essential for good gut health. Consume green leafy vegetables and fiber rich food as prebiotics. Yogurt is awesome as a probiotic, important for women. Otherwise, probiotic supplements are available over the counter. Probiotic supplements can be taken daily as it's absolutely safe and healthy.

6. Exercise daily without fail

Daily exercise is advisable to everyone for overall well-being and fitness. Many lifestyle diseases can be avoided if regular exercise is practised. Even if you are held up in daily household chores there is no escape from a specified time framed exercise. Exercise in any form is fine, you may do yoga, cardio, zumba or pilates. With exercise on a daily basis you can avoid acute conditions including cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis.

7. Meals on time

Eating regular meals can be important during menopause. Eating irregularly can worsen some menopausal symptoms and make weight management more difficult. An annual weight management program for postmenopausal women found that skipping meals was associated with 4.3% less weight loss.

Add protein-rich food to your diet as eating protein throughout the day can help prevent the loss of lean muscle mass that occurs with age. Reduce refined sugar and processed foods

Although its symptoms are difficult to manage, proper nutrition and regular exercise can help alleviate and prevent them. Try the tips above to have a comfortable yet easy menopause.


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